Simple way of DRILLING COAL (Basic)
In the drilling of coal, done in 2 ways, namely:
1 Open hole and
2 Core Drilling
Open Hole, drilling is carried out with the aim to make a hole into the soil or rock layers, up to a certain depth and useful as a determinant of the achievement level of the coal seam prior to coring or core sampling of the coal.
Wellsite geologist or a task, notes particle or material that is pushed toward the surface with water.
Picture 01. Open hole Picture 02. Core drilling
Notice in the picture above. The drill has eroded surface of the coal seam. Scouring powder form will be pushed by the water that is sprayed onto the surface. This stage is carried out checks on samples. Once you are sure, then do the replacement drill bit with the core barrel which aims to cut the layers in accordance with the length of the pipe core barell itself. Furthermore: Core Drilling or Coring is also called, is done to get the gist of drilling. This stage aims to capture the essence of the coal into the core barrel in accordance with the core pieces of the pipe barrel.
After the pipe core barrel through the layer of coal, removal of the entire pipe, then the pipe splitter (cutter) which are in the core barrel is issued. At this stage of coal thickness measurements obtained were measured using a meter.
The data obtained from the drilling results from the open hole do as follows:
1 Mud cutting from each of the different rock layers will be different colors and powder material;
2 Observe the change of color of the water or the sample during drilling, you calculate the depth of which depends the incoming pipe length, so you will get the thickness of the layer, in accordance with the length of the inlet pipe and the color changes of samples (water).
Why OB should be calculated?
In the further activities of coal production, you do not just immediately scrape the top layer to get a continuous coal seam thickness and volume without counting the OB, because a successful coal mining when the OB volume was relatively thin.
It can be concluded OB volume is directly proportional to the operational cost of stripping and removal of OB. So the higher the OB volume, the greater the costs. However, directly perpendicular to the thickness of the coal seam which is called by Stripping Ratio. If the layer of coal: overburden = 1 meter: 4 meters, considered SR 4. If you want to know a simple way to calculate the OB, please click here
After the pipe core barrel through the layer of coal, removal of the entire pipe, then the pipe splitter (cutter) which are in the core barrel is issued. At this stage of coal thickness measurements obtained were measured using a meter.
The data obtained from the drilling results from the open hole do as follows:
1 Mud cutting from each of the different rock layers will be different colors and powder material;
2 Observe the change of color of the water or the sample during drilling, you calculate the depth of which depends the incoming pipe length, so you will get the thickness of the layer, in accordance with the length of the inlet pipe and the color changes of samples (water).
In general drilling in soil and claystone layers only using open hole, in order to save costs, which is where the real goal is to get a layer of coal. But that does not mean the measurement of the thickness of the soil layer and layer other than coal are not important, because it will be related to the calculation of the volume of over burden (OB) and Stripping Ratio (SR).
Why OB should be calculated?
In the further activities of coal production, you do not just immediately scrape the top layer to get a continuous coal seam thickness and volume without counting the OB, because a successful coal mining when the OB volume was relatively thin.
It can be concluded OB volume is directly proportional to the operational cost of stripping and removal of OB. So the higher the OB volume, the greater the costs. However, directly perpendicular to the thickness of the coal seam which is called by Stripping Ratio. If the layer of coal: overburden = 1 meter: 4 meters, considered SR 4. If you want to know a simple way to calculate the OB, please click here
pengeboran batubara, dilakukan dengan 2 cara, yakni :
1. Open hole
2. Core
Hole, pengeboran yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membuat lubang masuk ke
dalam tanah atau lapisan batuan, hingga kedalaman tertentu dan berguna sebagai
penentu tercapainya permukaan lapisan batubara sebelum dilakukan coring atau
pengambilan sampel inti yakni batubara.
Tugas seorang geologist atau wellsite, mencatat
partikel atau material yang terdorong bersama air menuju ke permukaan.
pada gambar 01 di atas. Mata bor telah menggerus permukaan lapisan batubara.
Gerusan yang berupa serbuk akan terdorong oleh air yang disemprotkan menuju ke
permukaan. Tahap ini dilakukan pengecekan pada sampel yang keluar. Setelah
yakin, kemudian dilakukan penggantian mata bor dengan core barrel yang
bertujuan untuk memotong lapisan sesuai dengan panjang pipa core barell itu
Core drilling atau disebut juga dengan Coring, dilakukan untuk mendapatkan inti dari
pengeboran. Tahap ini bertujuan menangkap inti yakni batubara ke dalam core
barrel sesuai dengan potongan pipa core barrel.
pipa core barrel menembus lapisan batubara, dilakukan pengangkatan seluruh
pipa, kemudian pipa splitter (pemotong) yang berada di dalam core barrel di
keluarkan. Pada tahap ini pengukuran ketebalan batubara yang didapatkan diukur
menggunakan alat meteran.
hasil pengeboran yang diperoleh dari sejak melakukan open hole sebagai berikut:
1. Lumpur
cutting dari tiap-tiap lapisan batuan yang berbeda akan berbeda pula warna dan
serbuk materialnya;
2. Amati perubahan warna air atau sampel selama
pengeboran, anda hitung kedalaman yang berpatokan dengan panjang pipa yang
masuk, dengan demikian anda akan mendapatkan ketebalan lapisan, sesuai dengan
panjang pipa masuk dan terhadap perubahan warna sampel (air).
umumnya pengeboran di lapisan soil dan claystone hanya menggunakan metode open
hole, agar mengirit biaya, yang mana tujuan sebenarnya adalah untuk mendapatkan
lapisan batubaranya. Namun bukan berarti pengukuran ketebalan lapisan soil dan
lapisan lain selain batubara tidak penting, sebab nantinya akan berkaitan
dengan perhitungan volume tailing atau over burden (OB) dan Stripping Ratio.
OB harus dihitung?
Dalam kegiatan lanjut produksi batubara, anda tidak
begitu saja langsung mengeruk lapisan atas terus menerus sampai mendapatkan
lapisan batubara tanpa menghitung ketebalan dan volume OB, sebab pertambangan
batubara sukses bila volume OB itu relative tipis.
Dapat disimpulkan Volume OB berbanding lurus
dengan Biaya operasional pengupasan dan pemindahan OB. Jadi semakin tinggi
volume OB, semakin besar pula biaya operasionalnya. Namun berbanding tegak
lurus dengan ketebalan lapisan batubara yang biasa disebut dengan Stripping
Ratio. Jika lapisan batubara : overburden = 1 meter : 4 meter, dianggap SR 4.
Jika ingin membaca tulisan tentang cara menghitung OB silahkan klik di sini
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